
Fluently | The Essence of Human-Robot Interaction


Fluently Tech Branded content Graphic animation An intelligent interface leveraging AI, designed to enable more efficient utilization of robots across various production sectors. From battery recycling and aerospace engine repairs to producing complex metal components using laser technology. Cutting-edge technology that allows industrial robots to understand, communicate, and learn from humans, aided by five days of intensive training within the Robo-Gym. To best convey the features and goals of Fluently, we opted for an animated video to deliver information simply and directly. Minimal design, vibrant pastel colors, and anthropomorphic robots make the narrative accessible not only to professionals but also to a broader audience. ALL WORKS TECH RELATED WORKS Ripet | Video tutorial animato Showreel 2016-2017 Officina38 Showreel

Ripet | Video tutorial

Ripet Ecocompattatori

Ripet Video Tutorial Tech Community Graphic animation Tutorial A problem that becomes an opportunity: Ripet offers an efficient solution for the management of PET and aluminum packaging. Through the bottle-to-bottlesystem, citizens can deposit empty bottles 24 hours a day in the eco-compactors produced by Ripet: smart machines, made in Italy, equipped with a patented technology that makes it possible to reduce their volume by 10 times, lowering not only the costs but also the environmental impact of transport to the recycler. For Ripet we create custom photo shoots, we manage the social media editorial plan for Italy and Spain and we have created a video tutorial in graphic animation in 3 languages. ALL WORKS TECH RELATED WORKS Virgin Radio: Believe in Rock Autostrade per l’Italia | Campioni di sicurezza Officina38 Showreel 2023

Kavo-Kerr Case Study

Kavo-Kerr Case Study Health Industrial Corporate Tutorial Movie Video case study. A narrative on the variety of work produced by Kavo-Kerr between 2016 and 2017. Told through video interviews, conferences videos and events highlight as well as internal communications, infographics and 2D animation. ALL WORKS HEALTH RELATED WORKS Lego Creator – Ford Mustang 1960 Autostrade per l’Italia | Mestieri Zhermack – Flower short

Pic Case Study

Pic Case Study Health Corporate Graphic animation Tutorial Video case study. A narrative of all Pic Solution’s work from 2016-2017. Told through video tutorials, conferences videos and internal communications, infographics and 2D and 3D animation. ALL WORKS HEALTH RELATED WORKS Kavo-Kerr Case Study Pic Case Study DiaSorin

Showreel 2016-2017

Showreel2016-2017 Community Fashion Tech Commercial Branded content Corporate Graphic animation Tutorial Movie Video Showreel. A showcase of our work that includes archived pieces from the early years of Officina38 productions. ALL WORKS COMMUNITY RELATED WORKS Missoni Fashion Film Smile Solar World Design Organization