
Officina38 Showreel 2023

Cover nuovo showreel di Officina38

Officina38 showreel 2023 Community Fashion Food Health Hôtellerie Industrial Sport Tech Commercial Branded content Corporate Graphic animation Tutorial Movie Here is the new showreel of Officina38! A video journey through our works of the last times. From the set with the great Orietta Berti to the campaign on road safety of Autostrade per l’Italia with Giacomo Giorgio, passing through athletics fields, Formula1 slopes, volleyball courts alongside athletes and athletes at the top… …and more beaches, kitchens, theatres, factories. We worked in every location and used the most disparate shooting techniques to talk about #food #fashion #sport #tech and tell the projects and brands that in recent years have entrusted us with their stories to tell. Find out more at our Works page. ALL WORKS INDUSTRIAL RELATED WORKS MM Construction Autostrade per l’Italia | Campagna sicurezza stradale Autostrade per l’Italia | Mestieri

Arborina Relais

Arborina relais - photo Officina38

Arborina Relais Hôtellerie Branded content A place to regenerate in the silence of nature and savor the food and wine richness of the Langhe. It’s the Arborina experience: Boutique Hotel, Osteria and bistro (THE LAB) in an enchanting location among the Barolo vineyards.A well-being place equipped with an outdoor swimming pool, wine cellar, SPA and gardens that completes us with a proposal for fine dining and experimental, excellent and green cuisine, to be savored while enjoying a unique landscape. Officina38 is in charge of the communication and image of Arborina, working in particular on the creation of the editorial plan and the creation of photographic services, videos and customized contents for the social channels @arborinarelais and @osteriaarborina and for the website. ALL WORKS HÔTELLERIE RELATED WORKS Adidas per Bangkok Arborina Relais IDEXE’